Watch and Listen to Past Services

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Coming to Your Senses: How to Connect with the Wisdom of the Earth

Rev. Dr. Ahriana Platten talks to trees, listens to rivers, and experiences nature as a wise teacher. This Sunday, she’ll share how she's been guided by plants, animals and other living things, and she’ll explain how we can use our senses to connect fully with the spirit of the Divine in all its forms.

Join us for an inspiring message, uplifting music, and connect with our community in fellowship.

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The Soul of Money

Have you ever asked yourself why, when it comes to matters of money, our spirituality seems to dissipate rather quickly? Inspired by the book "The Soul of Money," we will begin a journey into the heart and soul of why our attachment to monetary things are hindering our spiritual growth and so much more.

Join us as we explore this important topic, then grab some lunch and come back to enjoy our Spring Concert!

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He Is Risen! Now What? (Part 2 of 2)

Building upon last Sunday's message on how spiritual growth toward enlightenment or awakening is a matter of continued reflection, we will navigate the idea of living a life in Divine Perfection by chopping wood and carrying water within the flawed world we often perceive.

Join us for a revealing contemplation of our own spiritual journey while enjoying some inspiring music and great fellowship after service.

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He Is Risen! Now What? (Part 1 of 2)

Have you ever asked yourself what came after the resurrection? And, if anything, how would that apply in your life today? This Sunday, we'll discuss the ins and outs of continued spiritual growth after realizing that what seems to be the ultimate goal may just be another invitation to move forward and upward more than ever.

Join us for an inspiring message designed to help you determine what's next in your spiritual journey, and enjoy beautiful music while gathering with friendly faces.

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The Jewish Passover Seder: Reliving the Exodus from Egypt

This Sunday, we welcome a special guest speaker, Cantor Sheri Allen of Congregation Beth Shalom in Arlington, TX.

Cantor Sheri will describe how the commandment to observe the holiday of Passover given in the Torah (5 Books of Moses) transformed into the Passover Seder that Jewish families have been observing for generations. Come take a deep dive into the Hagaddah, or special book that retells this story through the blessing and eating of special symbolic foods, the singing of prayers and songs, and the asking of many questions!

Join us for this unique opportunity to learn about this important Jewish tradition, deepening our own spiritual understanding in the process.

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Claiming Your Soulful Spirit

Sometimes, it can be challenging to navigate the differences between one's body, mind, heart, soul, and spirit/Spirit. How much of each is relevant in our daily lives? Can we learn something useful by knowing the difference and appropriately apply our Wholeness to any situation. Does all of this matter anyway?

This Sunday, we'll explore one of the deeper questions that many of us may have come to ask ourselves and see if we can apply it usefully in whatever is going on in our lives and the world.

Join us for an inspiring message, beautiful music, and the opportunity to connect with other souls in loving fellowship.

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Time to Step Up

This Sunday, we welcome a very special guest speaker: former senior minister of Unity Fort Worth and current host of Unity Online Radio show, World Spirituality, Rev. Paul John Roach!

In his message, Paul will talk about the qualities of courage, determination, and focus that are essential to living a meaningful and victorious life. Together, we’ll look at how to find and express these qualities in our lives.

Join us for an inspiring message and wonderful music, and stick around after service for a book signing with Rev. Paul in celebration of his new book, Unity and World Religions.

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There Is Only One Power

Every Sunday, we recite our first Principle, claiming that there is only one Power and one Presence in our lives and in the universe. However, life often challenges that very idea. Most commonly, the presence of war and evil may suggest that there is another power at play, as omniscient as the one we claim.

This Sunday, we'll explore why despite our claims of the one Power of Goodness still allows the presence of devastating circumstances. The answer will inspire all of us to continue the good work we already do.

Join us for an inspiring message and music, and wonderful time spent together during our Second Sunday potluck.

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Being Spirit, Bearing Humanity

Have you ever asked yourself how much Spirit is enough while honoring your humanity? This Sunday, we’ll explore how we can be Spirit while appreciating our humanity, without compromising either one.

Join us for some Stump the Minister leftovers while Jean-Bear sweats it out in celebration of our successful February PrayerBear drive.

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Stump the Minister

Join us this Sunday for a little fun, as we "Stump the Minister." Congregants have submitted some excellent questions so far, which Rev. Jean-Marie will be hearing for the first time during service and doing his best to answer on the fly. We'll also enjoy beautiful music brought to us by our amazing music team, as well as the opportunity to come together in fellowship after service.

It's not too late to submit your questions for Rev. Jean-Marie — ask away!

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Giving Up God For Lent

How often do we choose to go down a road that seems entirely counterintuitive and maybe even questionable? And why would we do that?

With Lent just around the corner, we are embarking on a journey of just that. It’s not about trying to convince anyone of anything, or coming to any particular conclusion, or asking anyone to change their own beliefs, convictions, or spiritual practices. Perhaps with Easter looming less than two months away, we can choose to go down a road of uncovering unexamined and unconscious assumptions around the thought that we NEED to be seeking something—connection with the Divine or a destination of healing—that we're not always sure can be grasped. Let’s plan a different resurrection this year.

Join us for an inspiring message with guest speaker, Rev. Kelly Isola, and enjoy beautiful music and joyous fellowship.

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Faithing the Unobvious

Continuing our journey on understanding the basic foundation of the spiritual practice of Faith, we will explore what may not be necessarily obvious. Inspired by many scriptural stories, we learn to detect the unobvious to develop the core of our spirituality, one realization at a time.

Join us for another inspiring message designed to strengthen our hearts and minds, and help us welcome new members to our community, followed by sharing wonderful food and fellowship at our Second Sunday potluck.

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Faith It Until...

Ever heard the expression "Faith it until you make it" and wondered what the making part is about? Building upon continued journey to deepen our understanding of some of the basic Unity teachings based on many ancient spiritual Loves and Wisdoms, we'll explore how we can utilize our Power of Faith to deepen our understanding of God and how we relate.

Join us for another inspiring message designed to strength our hearts and minds, followed by uplifting fellowship and our community engagement team meeting.

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When All Else Fails

There is likely a time in anyone's life when nothing seems to work out. Especially when challenged from many angles, as most of us have been since the pandemic started, this can be a devastating and defeating experience.

This Sunday, we will explore the spiritual Principles that remain when all else fails so that we learn to recognize available opportunities in the midst of greatest turmoil. The good news: the perfect opportunities are always at hand.

Join us for a meaningful message, some heartfelt music, and enlightening fellowship after service. You deserve it.

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It’s All About You

Hidden in plain sight, the revolutionary teachings of Myrtle and Charles Fillmore put forth a spiritual philosophy that is fundamentally different from many spiritual world views. Come away with a more profound understanding of Unity teachings which support radical self-responsibility and self-reliance, while enjoying uplifting music and friendly fellowship.

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Get Over These Too!

Building upon last Sunday's message on getting over some of the most commonly used yet counterproductive "spiritual" messages, we will continue our journey to disarm another set of metaphysical bypasses and malpractices based on the sequel of last Sunday's booklet reference: "Get Over These Too!" by Paul Hasselbeck, and Bil Holton.

As we deepen our understanding of how to adequately use our spiritual Power even when challenged with some deeply ingrained false beliefs, we open our hearts and minds to the Truth we know.

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Get Over It!

Ever wondered how useful some popular "spiritual" sayings are, or whether they are more detrimental to our spiritual growth if not used and understood appropriately? For some humor and lightness at the beginning of this year, we will be exploring some of the most commonly used misconceptions about our spiritual Nature based on the book "Get Over It!" by Paul Hasselbeck and Bil Holton.

Join us for some fun, great music, and heartfelt fellowship after service at the level of your comfort. You deserve it.

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4th Advent: For the Love of Joy

For this last Sunday before Christmas, we will conclude our Advent journey from Faith, Peace, and Love toward Joy and recognize, once more, how important realizing true Joy is to our humans spiritual Health and Wholeness as well as our ability to express our Divine (our Christ Nature) fully and without excuse.

Join us this Sunday for a powerful and inspiring message on one of the most inspiring Truths about what the Christmas Story has always meant to be in our lives. Celebrate with us our Divinities and share fellowship after service.

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