Giving Up God For Lent

How often do we choose to go down a road that seems entirely counterintuitive and maybe even questionable? And why would we do that?

With Lent just around the corner, we are embarking on a journey of just that. It’s not about trying to convince anyone of anything, or coming to any particular conclusion, or asking anyone to change their own beliefs, convictions, or spiritual practices. Perhaps with Easter looming less than two months away, we can choose to go down a road of uncovering unexamined and unconscious assumptions around the thought that we NEED to be seeking something—connection with the Divine or a destination of healing—that we're not always sure can be grasped. Let’s plan a different resurrection this year.

Join us for an inspiring message with guest speaker, Rev. Kelly Isola, and enjoy beautiful music and joyous fellowship.

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About Rev. Kelly Isola


Stump the Minister


Faithing the Unobvious