Claiming Your Soulful Spirit

Sometimes, it can be challenging to navigate the differences between one's body, mind, heart, soul, and spirit/Spirit. How much of each is relevant in our daily lives? Can we learn something useful by knowing the difference and appropriately apply our Wholeness to any situation. Does all of this matter anyway?

This Sunday, we'll explore one of the deeper questions that many of us may have come to ask ourselves and see if we can apply it usefully in whatever is going on in our lives and the world.

Join us for an inspiring message, beautiful music, and the opportunity to connect with other souls in loving fellowship.

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Sermon Notes

Opening Prayer Scripture & Quote

“For one who never unites the mind with God there is no peace; and how can one who lacks peace be happy? (Bhagavad-Gita 2:66)

“We can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves.” (Dalai Lama)

Revealing Word (Charles Fillmore)

soul – Man is Spirit, soul, and body. Spirit is the I AM, the individuality. The body is soul expressing, and soul includes the conscious and subconscious minds. Soul makes the body, the body is the outer expression of the soul, and bodily health is in exact correspondence to the health of the soul. (

See also Metaphysical Bible Dictionary (

Spirit – God as the moving force in the universe; Principle as the breath of life in all creation; the principle of life; creative intelligence and life. (


The Jewish Passover Seder: Reliving the Exodus from Egypt


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