Faith It Until...

Ever heard the expression "Faith it until you make it" and wondered what the making part is about? Building upon continued journey to deepen our understanding of some of the basic Unity teachings based on many ancient spiritual Loves and Wisdoms, we'll explore how we can utilize our Power of Faith to deepen our understanding of God and how we relate.

Join us for another inspiring message designed to strength our hearts and minds, followed by uplifting fellowship and our community engagement team meeting.

Sermon Notes


“Each one has to find [their] peace from within. And [for] peace to be real, [it] must be unaffected by outside circumstances." - Mahatma Gandhi

Main Scripture

“Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.” (Matthew 5:5)

Supporting Scripture

“The Father and I are one.” (John 10:30)

“…the Father is in me and I am in the Father.” (John 10:38)

“…I do nothing on my own…” (John 8:28)

Metaphysical Interpretations

(from "Metaphysical Bible Dictionary”)

Noah – The Noah of Genesis 6 to 9 was the son of Lamech. Lamech means a strong young man, and signifies the strength of youth, and Noah means rest. Thus it is in the strength of our youth that we idealize the material and attach our spiritual enthusiasm to the things of sense. But the law of reaction sets in: Noah (rest) finds "favor in the eyes of Jehovah." If in the strength of your youth you have indulged in the things of sense, the law of spiritual equilibrium, the Lord, Jehovah, is now working itself out in a rest, and you may have bodily ills. This is where the race of wicked thoughts drowns, and your earth is cleansed.

Moses – Moses means drawing out, extracting, i. e., from the water. The birth of Moses represents man's development in consciousness of the law of his being, from the negative side. Water represents universal negation; but water also represents the great possibility. Out of seemingly negative conditions comes the new growth.

Esther – The dissolving power of spiritual love; this is an antidote for a dictatorial will.

Job – The transition of man from personal, formal righteousness, which is the basis of all self-righteousness, to a true inner change of heart and an entrance into the real Christ righteousness, which deals with the very thoughts and intents of the innermost consciousness instead of merely setting right a few outer acts.

Peter – The spiritual faculty of faith. This disciple's name, Simon (hearing), signifying his receptivity and ability to discern Truth, was changed by Jesus to Peter, or Cephas, which is the Greek for the word rock. This represents faith in God, strong, unwavering, and enduring. This faith is a necessary foundation for the building up of spiritual consciousness, the church of Christ, in the individual.


“I faith it until I recognize the infinite potential in and available to me.”

“I faith it until I realize I am one with what unites us all.”

“I faith it until I know that I am Infinite Potential, and I express it in my life at all times.”

“I faith it until my thoughts and feelings are aligned with what I desire.”

“I faith it until I am aligned and whole.”


Faithing the Unobvious


When All Else Fails