Virtual Adventures
“The greatest adventure is the one within.”
The Virtual Adventures curriculum provides self-directed lessons that students can access at any time from any computer or mobile device. All lessons are divided into three age groups: children, tween, and teens. Each lesson contains an opening experience, meditation zone, media room, and creation station.
In September 2023, we will begin utilizing the Virtual Adventures curriculum, providing an opportunity for students to explore the topic during the week and extending the lesson into a group experience on Sundays.
How It Works
Parents of registered children will receive a newsletter on Tuesdays with the week’s lesson. Families are invited to explore the lessons as they desire during the week.
Join us at Unity Fort Worth on Sundays @ 1 PM for our Sunday Morning Experience, during which children will explore the topic further.
Curriculum Plan
Unity Fort Worth is using the Virtual Adventures curriculum developed by Unity Worldwide Ministries (UWM).
The Virtual Adventures program is provided free of charge for families who register. Love offerings are gratefully accepted.
Virtual Adventures Lessons
Activating Hope
Being hopeful is connecting to seeing the good around us. When our attention is on the beauty and the good that surrounds us, we become more hopeful. This week, we will explore how to develop a habit of seeing the good in our world, others, and ourselves.
Seeing Things in a New Way
This week we will explore tools for changing our perspective. How we view things plays an important role in the choices we make. Often a shift in our perspective changes the choices we make resulting in a better outcome.
Making Choices
Taking responsibility for all the choices we make is a part of self-responsibility. In this lesson, we will develop an awareness of the many choices we make, learn how to look at the consequences of our choices, and learn about tools we can use for making choices.
Being Accountable
Being AccountableThis week is the beginning of our final unit in the Virtual Adventures curriculum. For the next four weeks, we will explore Being Accountable. This week, our focus is on what it means to be accountable for our words and actions. In the following weeks, we will identify the importance of making choices, consequences for our choices, and tools we can use to make wise choices.
Developing Tools to Manage Conflict
We turn our attention this week to identifying tools that can help us manage conflict positively, calm our inner chaos, and help us recenter. There are a variety of tools for us to use, such as meditation, changing our perspective, having an adult we can talk with, etc.
Finding Inner Strength
This week we will continue to focus on awareness of our inner strength. We will look at the source of our inner strength, the Divine that is within each of us and provides all the inner strength we need.
Recognizing Inner Conflict
This week, we begin a new unit, Managing Conflict. Over the next four weeks, we will explore what inner conflict is, learn to recognize our inner strengths, tools to that can help calm the inner chaos, and being a calm presence in the universe. The focus this week is recognizing inner conflict.
Finding My Voice
This is the last week of our unit "The Power of Our Thoughts and Words". We will explore more about how we can tell our stories in a new & positive way. While we can’t change what actually happened, we can use our imaginations to see things differently or from a new perspective. We can train our brains to see opportunity instead of misfortune.
I Can Tell a New Story
Each of us have the ability to change our perspective and create a new story. We cannot change exactly what happened, but we can alter our thoughts about the event to see it from a more positive perspective. With practice, we can change our thought patterns to see opportunity instead of misfortune.
Thoughts and Words Have Power
This week, we explore the power of our thoughts and how they shape our world. We will also learn about affirmations and how we can use them to change our thoughts and our experiences.
We Are More Than a Single Story
Unity's 3rd Principle tells us that we are co-creators with God, creating reality with our thoughts and feelings. We are beginning a new unit, "The Power of My Thoughts and Words". This week, we will explore the power that words have to shape our experiences.
I Can Make a Difference
Our focus this week is on how we as individuals can make a difference in the care of Earth. We will take a look at the story of the creation in Genesis Chapter 1, which speaks to us having the responsibility of caring for our environment and all creatures.
We All Must Do Our Part
Unity's 5th Principle states that through our thoughts, words, and actions, we live the Truth we know. This week we focus on how our actions can help our planet. We will explorer what we can do everyday and how all of us must do our part.
All Life is Precious
Sometimes we forget that all life is precious. The beauty and uniqueness of all living things is vast, from the largest aspen tree to the smallest mycoplasma genitalium to ultra small bacterias. While we explore how precious life is, we will acknowledge that the care of all living things is our responsibility.
Appreciating Mother Earth
This week we begin a new unit: Earth Care. Our focus this week is on appreciating all the beauty that is around us. We will begin exploring all the ways that we can care for Mother Earth and how even a small change can make a difference. All of us have an important role of being good stewards of our planet.
Our Responsibility to Each Other
This week, we will explore what it means to be responsible, and to who and what are we responsible. Expressing love and kindness to everyone is a part of our responsibility. This expression of love and kindness can create positive healthy relationships.
Trust & Loving Kindness
This week, we will look at whom to trust, how we can build connections with love and kindness with boundaries, and lastly, practice implementing Unity’s Principle #3, which states that our thoughts are formative in creating our lives, into our journey of spiritual growth. What we believe at our core colors our experiences and interactions, and ultimately provides the tone of our lives. We want the best life we can live, and to connect with others in wonderful healthy relationships.
How Do I Engage With Others?
Our lesson this week is about engaging with each other. Being and feeling connected to each other is important to our personal well being. In this lesson, we will explore to whom we are connected and tools for building healthy relationships.
To What Am I Connected?
This is the beginning on a new unit, Belonging. A sense of belonging promotes healthy relationships in the community and encourages positive self-reflection. Belonging is a key factor in our connection with ourselves, others, and God. The focus this week is on connecting to ourselves. We will explore what it means to belong, along with being honest with ourselves.