“Every election is determined by the people who show up.” —Larry J. Sabato
2025 Board Elections
The 2025 Board Elections during our Annual Membership Meeting, scheduled on Sunday, March 30, 2025.
Election of new Board Members
Bill Shaw and Rodney Huddleston have served the maximum two consecutive terms allowed per our bylaws. Both seats will be up for election.
Rebecca Jeter was appointed by the board of trustees to serve in Rodney’s seat, beginning in September 2024 until the end of his term in March 2025. Membership will have the opportunity to elect Rebecca to continue serving in this seat for a three-year term of her own. While it is possible to run against Rebecca for this election, the nominating committee is primarily seeking candidates for Bill’s seat.
Requirements for Nomination
Bylaw Requirements
UFW is governed by its bylaws, which are the foundation of our nonprofit organization. Our bylaws also stipulate board member responsibilities to be followed in service to our membership.
Please review our bylaws, as adopted on March 21, 2021, specifically regarding the articles in section §IV.2, before nominating anyone or yourself for the position of a UFW board member. Our current bylaws can be found here: UFW Bylaws (adopted 3/21/2021).
General Requirements
According to UFW’s bylaws (§IV.2.A.), the following qualifications are required for any nominee:
To be eligible to be elected to the board of trustees a person must be a member of this ministry for at least one (1) year.
In addition, candidates for election shall endeavor to live in accord with the Jesus Christ Principles of Love and Truth as taught by UWM and have the time to serve on the board of trustees.
Ideal Candidate
The ideal candidate is one who is actively serving in a volunteer leadership position at UFW, has ample time to commit for regular duties of a BOT member, and has demonstrated commitment to the health and well-being of the community. Our BOT, at the recommendation of our membership committee, has also established the following ideals related to what it means to be a member or board member at UFW:
What does it mean to be a member @ UFW?
The UFW Membership Committee, established in October 2020 and consisting of members and board members, defines the meaning of membership as follows:
A commitment to practicing Unity Principles and Teachings
A commitment to regularly attending services and events
A commitment to serving in any capacity in support of our community
A commitment to financially support UFW
These commitments are seen as opportunities to grow. They are applicable to anyone showing up in person or participating virtually.
What does it mean to be a board member @ UFW?
The board of trustees represents the membership in matters of strategic leadership, fiscal responsibility, and policy regulations. As such, the expectations of a board member significantly extend beyond that of a contributing member.
The UFW Membership Committee defines the meaning of board of trustee membership as follows:
Active membership for at least one year (Bylaws §IV.2.A.)
Demonstration of being a practicing student of Unity as evidenced by attendance of Unity-based classes, courses, workshops, retreats, etc.
Demonstration of living in accordance with spiritual Truth Principles as taught by Unity
Ideally, demonstration of active leadership in our community
Nomination Procedure
Any member can nominate themselves or any other member who fits the criteria as outlined above. In the case of nominating another member, the nominator should first seek consent and interest in the nomination of the potential nominee to ensure a commitment to the potential board position. In either case (self-nomination or the nomination of someone else), the “Reason for Nomination” field of the nomination form should reflect the background, skills, and experience of the nominee for the nominating committee to determine eligibility and suitability for the board position.
Nominations Due
The nomination period closed on Sunday, January 12, 2025.