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Good News. Great Joy. All People.
In the Gospel of Luke, 2:10, the angel announces Jesus’ birth to the shepherds, “Do not be afraid…I am bringing you good news of great joy for all the people…” However, we rarely think about this directive outside of the Christmas season. For all intents and purposes, it is a “to-do” list: ✔️ Good news. ✔️ Great joy. ✔️ All people.
Join us as we welcome Rev. Kelly Isola and together explore how, by engaging in these three tasks, we open the floodgates of our true nature.
Is Gratitude Enough?
14th century Christian mystic Meister Eckhart said “If the only prayer you ever pray is ‘Thank You,’ that is enough.” Is that true? Is it enough? It is written that when Jesus performed certain miracles he gave thanks first. When things work out well, it’s just natural to express relief, joy, and gratefulness. What if things don’t work out, can we still be grateful? AND given that God is principle, not a being, where do we aim our thanks? Let’s discover together the gratefulness, or as I like to say, the “great fullness” of life.
Join us to explore this topic with guest speaker, Rev. Kelly Isola, as we enjoy beautiful music and fellowship with friends.
Yesterday, I will do things differently.
It can seem cliché to talk about freedom around Independence Day. We might talk about our ancestors and the fight for freedom, because we want to do things differently. But let's sit with it, and really contemplate what freedom means. Generally, we think of freedom as release from restraint or burden. In Unity, we tend to think of freedom as releasing things or lightening our load. We claim our freedom, yet freedom from what?
Join us this Sunday as we welcome Rev. Kelly Isola and walk through this together to get an expanded view of freedom--that it truly is about interdependence.
Seeing Is Relieving, Changing, Loving
All of us have been fooled by someone we trusted, or have expected less out of someone who's capable of righteous deeds and thats why this lesson is imperative. Often we have trouble seeing a person beyond something they have done. For instance, if we see someone bullying a person, we might have difficulty seeing beyond their behavior. They get defined by their worst behavior. To see them completely includes recognizing their bullying and standing against it. This is taking a stand for justice, holding ourselves accountable and holding each other accountable. Seeing a person completely also involves the bully" seeing themselves as more than their bullying. This is known as mercy. Seeing completely is a combination of justice and mercy - noticing the tension between accountability to stop the bullying and our call to love the bully.
Join us this Sunday as we explore this topic with guest speaker, Rev. Kelly Isola, and enjoy wonderful music and time together.
Hippo Birdie Two Ewe Charles Fillmore
If we look at nature, it seems as though most every life form has a sense of purpose. Not consciously perhaps, but life does continue to march forward — always creating, always birthing, always evolving, and therefore, always questioning. It was Charles Fillmore’s birthday August 22, so, together with guest speaker Rev. Kelly Isola, let’s meet the “man behind the curtain". What do you give a man who has everything on his birthday? We shall give him the gift of honoring his commitment to evolutionary thinking and challenging some conventional wisdom.
Join us as we welcome Rev. Kelly Isola for an inspiring message, and enjoy beautiful music and the opportunity to spend time with friends and loved ones.
Giving Up God For Lent
How often do we choose to go down a road that seems entirely counterintuitive and maybe even questionable? And why would we do that?
With Lent just around the corner, we are embarking on a journey of just that. It’s not about trying to convince anyone of anything, or coming to any particular conclusion, or asking anyone to change their own beliefs, convictions, or spiritual practices. Perhaps with Easter looming less than two months away, we can choose to go down a road of uncovering unexamined and unconscious assumptions around the thought that we NEED to be seeking something—connection with the Divine or a destination of healing—that we're not always sure can be grasped. Let’s plan a different resurrection this year.
Join us for an inspiring message with guest speaker, Rev. Kelly Isola, and enjoy beautiful music and joyous fellowship.
Meeting Myrtle Again for the First Time
There are two books published, How to Let God Help You and Healing Letters, that give the world a glimpse into knowing Myrtle Fillmore, co-founder of Unity. They include letters she wrote to people that had written to her asking for prayer, as well as a few lessons she taught. Yet, they represent an incomplete picture. There is an enormous amount of Myrtle’s writings that are unpublished, and it is from these that we can meet Myrtle again for the first time, engage with the woman that perhaps we didn’t know as well as we thought we did.
Join Rev. Kelly Isola and meet Myrtle again for the "first time." It will surely be a lively and thought-provoking time together.
Oneness: Our Greatest Virtue?
We hear a lot about the idea that “We are all one.” It’s infused into our spiritual, wellness and mindfulness communities and growth practices. Yet have you ever wondered sometimes if we can just be one? Do we actually know what this means or what it looks like?
We've made this big value and virtue out of oneness. In some traditions there is the belief that the universe and all life came into form to differentiate itself, to experience itself. So is the virtue of oneness a reality?
Join Rev. Kelly Isola for a unique perspective and perhaps some evolutionary thinking around this idea of oneness. And, of course, celebrate with us the personal Divine with heart-felt music and great fellowship.