Seeing Is Relieving, Changing, Loving

All of us have been fooled by someone we trusted, or have expected less out of someone who's capable of righteous deeds and thats why this lesson is imperative. Often we have trouble seeing a person beyond something they have done. For instance, if we see someone bullying a person, we might have difficulty seeing beyond their behavior. They get defined by their worst behavior. To see them completely includes recognizing their bullying and standing against it. This is taking a stand for justice, holding ourselves accountable and holding each other accountable. Seeing a person completely also involves the bully" seeing themselves as more than their bullying. This is known as mercy. Seeing completely is a combination of justice and mercy - noticing the tension between accountability to stop the bullying and our call to love the bully.

Join us this Sunday as we explore this topic with guest speaker, Rev. Kelly Isola, and enjoy wonderful music and time together.

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About Rev. Kelly Isola


Bargaining with God


A Fish, a Bird, and the Sea