Hippo Birdie Two Ewe Charles Fillmore

If we look at nature, it seems as though most every life form has a sense of purpose. Not consciously perhaps, but life does continue to march forward — always creating, always birthing, always evolving, and therefore, always questioning. It was Charles Fillmore’s birthday August 22, so, together with guest speaker Rev. Kelly Isola, let’s meet the “man behind the curtain". What do you give a man who has everything on his birthday? We shall give him the gift of honoring his commitment to evolutionary thinking and challenging some conventional wisdom.

Join us as we welcome Rev. Kelly Isola for an inspiring message, and enjoy beautiful music and the opportunity to spend time with friends and loved ones.

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About Rev. Kelly Isola


Holding the High Watch (1/2)


The Jewish New Year: Reflection, Repentance, Return.