Meeting Myrtle Again for the First Time

There are two books published, How to Let God Help You and Healing Letters, that give the world a glimpse into knowing Myrtle Fillmore, co-founder of Unity. They include letters she wrote to people that had written to her asking for prayer, as well as a few lessons she taught. Yet, they represent an incomplete picture. There is an enormous amount of Myrtle’s writings that are unpublished, and it is from these that we can meet Myrtle again for the first time, engage with the woman that perhaps we didn’t know as well as we thought we did.

Join Rev. Kelly Isola and meet Myrtle again for the "first time." It will surely be a lively and thought-provoking time together.

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About Rev. Kelly Isola


The 4 Stages of Spiritual Growth


The Soul of the World