Embrace Your Whole Life

In Week 8 of our study of This Life is Yours, our focus is opening to and embracing our Wholeness. As we develop habits that foster our identity as a Whole Being, we activate our own spiritual capacities and become responsive to our own intuitive wisdom. We open to our whole selves and learn to honor that which is deep within ourselves and has been longing to be recognized, and we begin to craft a life that leads to feelings of well-being. Join us for an inspiring message, beautiful music, and friendly fellowship.

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Sermon Notes


“Honor your father and your mother, as the Lord your God commanded you, so that your days may be long and that it may go well with you in the land that the Lord your God is giving you.” (5th Commandment, Deuteronomy 5:16)


(RW=Revealing Word, MBD=Metaphysical Bible Dictionary, Charles Fillmore)

masculine-feminine: “Masculine and feminine are terms which need to be viewed on a level of meaning higher than physical body gender or personality traits…[T]he masculine principle is the active, energy-generating power. The feminine principle is the more passive aspect—the matrix from which energy can be generated. Both are necessary for existence, for manifestation, and for human evolution. God is the divine Source of the masculine/feminine principles. We relate to that Source, hence we have the beautiful concept of Father/Mother God.” (Rev. Ed Rabel)

feminine: “The divine feminine in man is the mother phase of Being. God, through His Holy Spirit, is the Father.” (RW)

Mary: “The feminine, the soul, the affectional and emotional phase of man's being, both when seemingly bound and limited by sensate thought, and in its freed, exalted state.” (MBD)

Honor Your Past

Denial: “The mental process of erasing from consciousness the false beliefs of the sense mind. Denial clears away belief in evil as reality and thus makes room for the establishing of Truth.” (RW)

We honor the past not by ignoring the reality we experienced but by embracing it as fully as we can. We use denials to remove the power we give to those things from the past that no longer serve us in today’s live. We honor the past by forgiving (giving up/letting go) the false for the Truth so that we can see and experience the past rightly.

Honor Your Feelings

Feeling: “Feeling is external to thought; behind every feeling or emotion there lies thought, which is its direct cause. To erase a feeling, a change of thought is required.” (RW)

Thought and feeling are both important. Neither exists without the other. We might be inclined to think rather than feel or vice-versa. However, it is the perfect harmony we seek among both. That is when we are the most powerful, when we embrace the masculine and feminine, the Father-Mother God aspect of who and What we are.

Honor Your Needs

Desire: “Deep desire is essential to spiritual growth. It is desire--earnest, intense desire--that draws the whole being up out of mortality and its transient joys into the power to appreciate and to receive real spiritual blessings.” (RW)

Needs are limitations of our desires. Such limitations may be supportive or not. As we learn to understand the desire at the core of our identified needs, we begin to direct our desires adequately so that we apply our Power of Love appropriately. To honor our needs is the first step to move deeper into our true desires to get a fuller understanding of our Individuality in this world.

Honor Your Ability to Wait

Patience: “An attitude of mind characterized by poise, inner calmness, and quiet endurance, especially in the face of trying conditions. Patience has its foundation in faith, and it is perfected only in those who have unwavering faith in God." (RW)

As in humanity, patience is also a virtual in spirituality. Whenever we have a sense of urgency, we are signaling ourselves to find a moment of Peace in patience. Patience teaches us to trust our Divinity and that our activity will move toward our desired outcomes. As such, we honor our ability to wait and be patient because it supports our spiritual growth and uplift.

Sermons in this Series


Reinforce Your Wholeness


The Impact of Intentional Action