The Impact of Intentional Action

In Week 7 of our study of This Life is Yours, our focus is taking intentional action each day to deepen our perception of our Wholeness and Well-Being. As we practice shifting our awareness and applying these Principles in our lives, we realize our capacity to disturb the status quo and shake our foundation of old habits, in order to bring forth our identity as a Whole Being and strengthen our mental, emotional, and biological well-being. Join us for an empowering message, inspiring music, and joyous fellowship.

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Sermon Notes


1 Thessalonians 5:16–18

“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. ”

Metaphysical Practice

Denials & Affirmations

from Christian Healing (Charles Fillmore)

“Anyone can do spiritual healing who will use the simple rules of denial and affirmation here set forth. If you wish to heal another, hold him in mind and mentally repeat the denials and affirmations; this will raise your consciousness to spiritual reality, where all healing power originates.” 

“Denial is a putting away of the mental error and an entering into conscious relaxation of both mind and body.”


from the Revealing Word (Charles Fillmore)

  • “A process of giving up the false for the true.”

  • “Forgiveness…means the giving up of something.”

  • “[T]hrough forgiveness…spiritual healing is accomplished.”

  • “…closely related to repentance…turning from belief in sin to belief in God and righteousness.”

Prayer & Meditation

from the Revealing Word (Charles Fillmore)

  • “Prayer is the most highly accelerated mind action known.” 

  • “[Meditation is] [c]ontinuous and contemplative thought…realizing the reality of the Absolute; a steady effort of the mind to know God.”

Sermons in this Series


Embrace Your Whole Life


The Twelve Powers of Life (2/2)