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Reinforce Your Wholeness

In Week 9 of our study of This Life is Yours, we focus on reinforcing and realizing our innate Wholeness. Together, we explore the idea that healing is an intentional and continual practice of choosing to live in the realization of our Wholeness as we navigate the circumstances of our lives, and we'll learn  how to take practical action through simple approaches. Join us for an engaging message, beautiful music, and joyful fellowship.

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Embrace Your Whole Life

In Week 8 of our study of This Life is Yours, our focus is opening to and embracing our Wholeness. As we develop habits that foster our identity as a Whole Being, we activate our own spiritual capacities and become responsive to our own intuitive wisdom. We open to our whole selves and learn to honor that which is deep within ourselves and has been longing to be recognized, and we begin to craft a life that leads to feelings of well-being. Join us for an inspiring message, beautiful music, and friendly fellowship.

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The Impact of Intentional Action

In Week 7 of our study of This Life is Yours, our focus is taking intentional action each day to deepen our perception of our Wholeness and Well-Being. As we practice shifting our awareness and applying these Principles in our lives, we realize our capacity to disturb the status quo and shake our foundation of old habits, in order to bring forth our identity as a Whole being and strengthen our mental, emotional, and biological well-being. Join us for an empowering message, inspiring music, and joyous fellowship.

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The Twelve Powers of Life (2/2)

We continue our study of This Life is Yours, a book about healing your whole Self and discovering the eternal, unbreakable You. This week, we conclude our study of Unity's Twelve Powers in Chapter 4, and discover the true potential of these creative energies and how to engage their power with balance to create a meaningful and fulfilling life. Join us for an uplifting message, beautiful music, and joyous fellowship.

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The Twelve Powers of Life (1/2)

This Sunday, we continue our study of This Life is Yours, a book about healing your whole Self and discovering the eternal, unbreakable You. Over the next two weeks, as we study Chapter 4, we’ll be diving into Unity’s Powers and exploring their impact in our lives. Continue with us on this journey of self-discovery and healing together with a powerful message, joyous music, and friendly fellowship.

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Take Up Your Bed and Walk

"Jesus said to him, 'Get up, take up your bed, and walk.' And at once the man was healed, and he took up his bed and walked." —John 5:8–9 

Healing is not about curing a condition. It’s not about believing something could be missing, wrong, or broken about you that needs correcting. Healing is your courageous realization of the wholeness at the heart of you. It’s your deciding to live well now, regardless of your circumstances.

Join us as we deepen our study of healing and Wholeness with Rev. Linda Martella-Whitsett, author of our Fall Program book This Life is Yours, and enjoy uplifting music and loving fellowship.

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The Power of the Mind

This Sunday, we continue our study of This Life is Yours, a book about healing your whole Self and discovering the eternal, unbreakable You. Our focus in Chapter 3 is understanding the power of Mind, our divine ability to affect our world through our thoughts and feelings, and how, when we are intentional with our thoughts and feelings, we are able to create the lives we choose and step into a new reality at any time.

Continue with us on this journey of self-discovery and healing together with an uplifting message, inspiring music, and joyous fellowship.

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The Value of Questioning

This Sunday, we continue our study of This Life is Yours, a book about healing your whole Self and discovering the eternal, unbreakable You.  Our focus in Chapter 2 is exploring the value of questioning, and how it leads us to a deeper understanding of healing and inspires us to know our innate Wholeness. We question the mindset of insufficiency and how it permeates our individual consciousness, as well as our culture.  And we consider the longing that goes on within each of us, becoming a “divine urgency” that transforms.

Continue with us on this journey of self-discovery and healing together with uplifting music, and join us after service for our Sunflower Festival, where we’ll enjoy fun activities and make new connections with one another.

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This Life is Yours

This Sunday, we begin our study of This Life is Yours, a book about healing your whole Self and discovering the eternal, unbreakable You. Our focus in Chapter 1 is understanding our Wholeness and how healing is an expression of our Wholeness. We discover new ways of thinking and ways of living in Wholeness. We examine ways we can heal through activating the Principle of Health and Well-Being. 

Join us as we embark on this journey of self-discovery and healing together with inspiring music and friendly fellowship.

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