Holding the High Watch (1/2)

In honor and preparation of this coming Thursday's World Day of Prayer, Rev. Jean-Marie will dive into the practice of prayer and the Power it entails. Over two parts, we will explore some of the differences in prayer practices and how they affect us in our daily lives. And, we will learn about the unique application of Unity's affirmative prayer to remember our Divine Power that lies behind the words, thoughts, feelings, and actions with which we engage. Join us for an inspiring message, beautiful music, and wonderful time shared with one another.

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Sermon Notes

Main Scripture

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)

World Day of Prayer (WDOP) 2022

Unity participates in the WDOP with a 24-hour sacred experience to hold the high watch in prayer with yourself, your families, your friends, and anyone that may come to mind. Register and participate via go.unity.org/wdop.

Wednesday, September 7

Opening Ceremony: 7 PM CT

Thursday, September 8

8 AM CT – Daily Word® Service, follow by Interfaith Conversation with Revs. Linda Martella-Whitsett and Paul John Roach

11 AM CT – Prayer Service, followed by “Praying the Unity Way” (45 minutes)

7 PM CT – Closing Ceremony and Sound Healing

WDOP Guiding Prayer

With an inward and upward gaze, I rise from human concerns so that I might revel in the indwelling Spirit. I take my place in the seat of prayer, in the radiance of divine light. I hold the high watch for all people, knowing the truth of oneness and wholeness.

I am one with divine love that lifts the sorrowful and suffering. I am one with divine life by which they heal. I am one with divine wisdom that beams like a lighthouse, shining light on their path ahead.

My eyes of faith have a view of the horizon up here on the mountaintop of awareness. I wait, watchfully. I view the fulfillment of dreams and intentions, for me and for all those with whom I pray, without obstruction and in a state of expectancy. My vision is far- reaching as I hold the high watch. I say, “Amen, let it be. And so it is.”

WDOP Affirmation

I pray with an elevated mind and open heart.

WDOP Quotes

“We have no independent mind; there is only universal Mind; but we have consciousness in that mind and we have control over that consciousness. We have control over our own thoughts, and our thoughts make up our consciousness.” —Charles Fillmore, Keep a True Lent

“True prayer brings about an exalted radiation of energy, and when it is accompanied by faith, judgment, and love, the word of Truth bursts forth in a stream of light that, when held in mind, illumines, uplifts, and glorifies.” —Charles Fillmore, Atom-Smashing Power of Mind

“The way to heal the nations is to start in our own consciousness. Let us get in touch with the great spiritual reservoir of love and harmony within us. Then let our harmonious radiance brighten our own homes, let it radiate to our government, and then to the whole world. Peace begins in the center of our own harmonious consciousness.” —May Rowland, Dare to Believe!

Unity's 5 Principles

  1. There is only one Presence and one Power in our lives and in the universe—God, Goodness, Omnipotence.

  2. We are God expressing such inherent Goodness.

  3. Our way of thinking shapes how we experience our lives.

  4. We use prayer, meditation, denials, and affirmations to expand our spiritual Understanding.

  5. Knowing these Principles is not enough. We must act upon and live them every day.


Mind Action
Prayer, meditation, etc.

Unity's 5-Step Prayer Process

  1. Relaxation

  2. Concentration

  3. Meditation

  4. Realization

  5. Thanksgiving

Sermons in This Series


Holding the High Watch (2/2)


Hippo Birdie Two Ewe Charles Fillmore