Rev. Paul John Roach

Paul John Roach is a longtime Unity minister and host of the weekly show World Spirituality on Unity Online Radio ( A native of Wales and a graduate of Jesus College, Oxford University, he has bachelor’s and master’s degrees in English and a postgraduate degree in education from the University of Wales.

Paul was ordained by Unity in 1988 and served as the senior minister at Unity of Fort Worth, Texas, from 1988 to 2018. He has served the Unity movement on several boards and teams, including the board of Unity World Headquarters, and has written for Unity Magazine ( and other publications. Paul has traveled extensively throughout the world, including extended stays in India and Nepal, and he is currently working on a book about his journey to India in 1976. Unity and World Religions is his first book.

Learn more and connect with Rev. Paul John Roach on his website,

Messages with Rev. Paul Roach


Rev. Dr. Paul Hasselbeck


Bhante Rathmale Sumedha