Rev. Dr. Paul Hasselbeck

Dr. Paul Hasselbeck is a rock star in the Unity movement, widely regarded as one of the leading authorities on metaphysics. Paul brings his joyful and passionate presence to his classes and presentations both nationally and internationally. He is the author of eight books, including Heart-centered Metaphysics: A Deeper Look at Unity Teaching, the main text for the teaching of metaphysics by Unity Worldwide Spiritual Institute. For ten years he was dean of instruction for the Spiritual Education and Enrichment program. He has also written extensively about the 12 Powers, interpreting the original concepts of Charles Fillmore for modern readers. An ordained Unity minister, Paul challenges students with a lively and engaging style and an infectious enthusiasm. Paul makes an often difficult subject impossibly fun.

“Metaphysics,” says Paul, “is a fancy term for the branch of philosophy that is concerned with the fundamental nature of reality and Beingness.”

He publishes online “The Absolute Word,” a reconstruction of Unity’s Daily Word using oneness language to better align with what he believes is Unity’s fundamental belief that there is no separation between the individual and the DIVINE.

Paul co-hosts an almost weekly podcast, Metaphysical Romp 2, with the Rev. Drs. Bil and Cher Holton. It is ranked 16 th of the 30 top metaphysical podcast.

Read more about Rev. Paul at

Messages with Rev. Hasselbeck


Imam Moujahed Bakhach


Rev. Paul John Roach