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When the Heart Points to Spirit

Good things often come in threes... This Sunday, our entire service is musically focused on Jazz while we invited our platform chairs and readers to share inspirational works. We will also welcome our newest members after service and honor and bless them Unity Fort Worth style. And finally, Jean-Marie will continue his discussion on the four subtle bodies, focusing on the physical body in a brief message this week.

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Mind Over Body 2.0

As part of our Lenten series, we will explore the four subtle bodies—mind, body, heart, and Spirit—over the next weeks. This Sunday, Jean-Marie will be talking about the powers of the mind and how they are understood in modern times.

With the power of our minds, we courageously step into our lives in ways that are more aligned with our most cherished desires, whether they may be human or Spirit-based. Regardless of our circumstance, we take charge and bring our very expression of Spirit about.

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Heaven Is Other People (2/2)

In this final part of the two-part series on "Heaven Is Other People," Jean-Marie will continue to explore the scriptural evidence we can gather to suggest that heaven is about the day-to-day experience, contributed by ourselves as well as others.

As we learn to embrace our experiences in open-hearted and mindful ways, we will not only benefit from their uplifting impact but also learn to break free from our own limitations that may have held us back for many years. As a result, we get to choose whether other people are perceived as hell or heaven, which reminds us of our spiritual responsibility.

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Heaven Is Other People (1/2)

When going through difficult times, it is easy to slide into a downward spiral of negativity, seeing the world as a harsh and unforgiving place.

However, what if heaven were other people? What if all it took is a shift in perception and attitude to create heaven on earth?

This Sunday, Jean-Marie discusses the Teachings that we have been given over hundreds and thousands of years that point to the idea that heaven is in our hands now rather than after we have lived our lives.

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Will You Be Mine?

Valentine's Day is the perfect opportunity for us to ask ourselves what the root of our Love is. While many are focused on the celebration of the traditional partnership of romantic lovers, others may find themselves seeking Love in a much broader, unconditional way.

Jean-Marie asks the question "Will you be mine?" not only in the sense of being a good neighbor but also much more introspectively, exploring our ability to celebrate the Love we have for ourselves without falling for self-indulgence or false pride.

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Finding Peace in Ceremony

For millennia, humankind has chosen to engage in ceremony and ritual, many of which have passed the test of time. What may seem different or even odd to some brings much meaning to others. Through ritual and ceremony, we are able to engage with the more subtle energies in our lives, and it is not uncommon to find deep inner Peace when doing so. Jean-Marie expands on the idea of using ceremony and ritual in our spiritual lives, inspired by Scripture and the stories of the great Teachers that came before.

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Too Many Loaves, Not Enough Fish

When it comes to the topic of Prosperity, the Gospel story of the Feeding of the 5,000 (Matthew 14:13-21), is likely to be one of the most popular stories to be used as the basis of explaining how, in God Abundance, we do not ever have to worry about any lack.

However, what if the Potential is available but we fail to recognize it? What can we do to ensure we do not go hungry even though we are continuously fed?

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I Am the Way, and the Truth, and the Life

Inspired by the Gospel of John (14:6), "I am the way, and the truth, and the life," Jean-Marie will unpack some of the central Teachings of Jesus Christ expressed in this and following verses while applying it to our daily lives today. Contrary to traditional interpretation, Jesus Christ's instructions were directed to all of us, expressing our own Divinity by his example.

What can we learn from these few words? And, how can they help us, especially with any struggles we may currently experience?

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Loving "Thy Enemy"

With recent events in mind, Jean-Marie will address the challenging task of loving "thy enemy," as Jesus Christ commanded. How can we love when every fiber of our being is repulsed by the behavior we witness? What can we do to truly embrace Jesus Christ's number one commandment to not only love one another but our enemy as well?

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The Light in the World

Two millennia ago, Jesus Christ was credited with saying “You are the Light of the World." This phrase was not limited to only a few but meant for each and every person in attendance. Yet, after all these years, we still endeavor to hide our Light from the World. This Sunday, Russell reflects on how we can more deeply see God in and as ourselves and in and as one another, allowing us to throw off our self-imposed limitations and reveal the fullness of our Light in the World.

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4th Advent: With Joyful Hearts & Minds

For this fourth Advent, Rev. Jean-Marie reflects on the topic of Joy and how the Christmas story of the birth of Jesus Christ offers a direct pathway to a joyful life no matter what the circumstance. Beyond the joy of the Savior being born, we can learn to save ourselves by recognizing the many opportunities with which we are gifted every day to allow true Joy to arise in our hearts and minds.

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3rd Advent: Love Is in the Air

For the third Advent, Rev. Jean-Marie is approaching the topic of Love, which is always in the air, or otherwise considered in the ether. Once we recognize that Love is always around us, we realize our ability to always use it, whenever we can think of it.

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