3rd Advent: Love Is in the Air

For the third Advent, Rev. Jean-Marie is approaching the topic of Love, which is always in the air, or otherwise considered in the ether. Once we recognize that Love is always around us, we realize our ability to always use it, whenever we can think of it.

Experience the Sermon

Advent Reading

Sermon Notes

“Let anyone with ears to hear listen!” (Matthew 4:23)

  • “The kingdom of the heavens, the new dimension of mind and

    energy that is being unfolded today in the spiritual ethers

    by the discoveries of the scientists, should not be

    divorced from the kingdom of heaven taught by Jesus. Jesus

    taught in parables because His listeners were not trained

    in science.” (Atom-Smashing Power of Mind; chapter 7; Charles Fillmore)

Metaphysics of Christmas Characters and Animals

  • Mary: The feminine, the soul, the affectional and emotional phase of man's being, both when seemingly bound and limited by sensate thought, and in its freed, exalted state.

  • Joseph: The state of consciousness in which we increase in character along all lines; we not only grow into a broader understanding but there is an increase of vitality and substance.

  • Mary and Joseph: represent wisdom and love, which have been ideas in mind but are now to bring forth a manifestation in substance

  • Shepherds: The shepherds watching by night are the protecting entities of God that watch over us. They are the conservers and protectors. To affirm "Jehovah is my shepherd" is to acknowledge that God (Spirit) is the source of understanding and of all help.

  • Magi: The stored-up resources of the soul, which rise to the surface when its depths are stirred by a great spiritual revelation.

  • Angels: Thought of the Lord (Luke 1:11). Our angels are our spiritual perceptive faculties, which ever dwell in the presence of the Father (Matt. 13:49).

  • Donkey: The characteristics of the ass are stubbornness, persistency, and endurance. To ride these is to make them obedient to one's will.

  • Ox: Strength

  • Lamb: Represents innocent, guileless forms of life on the animal plane of consciousness.


4th Advent: With Joyful Hearts & Minds