Watch and Listen to Past Services
Upon Your Church...
"This Sunday, we will have a closer look at how to build our Faith ability gradually during the time of Lent. Inspired by the stories of the scriptures, we will explore what it means for our daily lives to build upon Faith as a commitment during Lent.
Join us, now at 1 PM CT, for a heartfelt lesson on acceptance accompanied by equally moving music at our new home."
God Acceptance at Hand (Part II)
This Sunday, after exploring the human side of acceptance, Rev. Jean-Marie will shift toward our spiritual connection to God Acceptance. Both are important and inseparable, and we can learn to relate to both in practical ways. In other words, God Acceptance is at hand through our human experience. As we relate to our daily ability to accept, we gain a greater Understanding of how we can learn to be open to God Acceptance.
Join us for the conclusion of another revelation of spiritual Truth, honored by your presence and the experience of our musically-inspired service.
God Acceptance at Hand (Part I)
In Unity, we believe that Lent is not just about giving something up, if at all, but, more importantly, about picking up something new. This spiritually focused season is the perfect opportunity to lean into exploring something many of us may have never considered ourselves worthy—to receive God Acceptance.
This Sunday, Rev. Jean-Marie will compare and contrast the concept of God Acceptance from various perspectives applied to an everyday setting as an inspiration to formulate a personal spiritual practice intended to find more acceptance in life, whether it be by others or ourselves.
Join us, now at 1 PM CT, for a heartfelt lesson on acceptance accompanied by equally moving music at our new home."
Ash Wednesday Service
Join us tonight @ 7:30 PM CT for a special Ash Wednesday service to ring in the Lenten season for quiet contemplation with inspiring music, moving readings, an uplifting message, and our meaningful Ash Wednesday Blessing ritual. Be part of this community experience as we all enter a time of reflection and growth together for the next few weeks.