The Path is the Goal

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As we conclude our talk series on Pema Chödrön's "When Things Fall Apart," we celebrate her concluding message on how our path is our goal. We'll explore the idea that enlightenment is not a matter of future achievements but that of being present, right here and now.

Join us this Sunday for another exciting opportunity to connect with your community, whether in person or online.

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Sermon Notes

Chapter 21 – Reversing the Wheel of Samsara

“The dharma can heal our wounds, our very ancient wounds that come not from original sin but from a misunderstanding so old that we can no longer see it.” (141)

Chapter 22 – The Path Is the Goal

“If there’s any possibility for enlightenment, it’s right now, not at some future time. Now is the time.” (143)

“Basically, the instruction is not to try to solve the problem but instead to use it as a question about how to let this very situation wake us up further rather than lull us into ignorance.” (145)

Sermons in this Series


Ritualizing Grief


Independence Day