What does supervision in counseling mean?
In order to be fully licensed, Licensed Professional Counselor Associates (LPC-As) are practicing under supervision to ensure the highest quality of service under ethical guidelines. LPC-As meet with their supervisors frequently to ensure proper client care. A foundational guideline for any professional counselor is the American Counseling Association’s Code of Ethics.
How do I contact Rev. Jean-Marie Schweizer’s professional counseling supervisor?
The contact information for Rev. Jean-Marie Schweizer’s professional counseling supervisor is:
Marsha Edwards, MEd, LPC-S
(License-No.: 68758)
Mlynne & Associates
Arlington, TX 76006
(214) 501-5378
Rev. Jean-Marie Schweizer’s License-No.: 81452.
Is supervision in counseling different from supervision in ministry?
Yes. The primary supervisory responsibility of a senior minister lies with the organization’s board of trustees. Beyond that, Unity Worldwide Ministries offers support to their members ministries and its congregation with regard to any challenges and concerns.
How do I contact Rev. Jean-Marie Schweizer’s ministry supervisor?
The first contact for Rev. Jean-Marie Schweizer’s supervisor would be Unity Fort Worth’s current board president. Beyond that, Unity Worldwide Ministries can provide assistance as the overall association of Unity ministries.
Why is there a difference in supervision between ministry and counseling?
Ministry and counseling are two independent professions with their own ethical codes and practices. Therefore, the requirement for supervision must align with the appropriate guidelines and need to be separated. Not many ministers are also professional counselors due to the training necessary. As such, the combination of ministry and counseling is rather rare and requires the appropriate support for the benefit of the congregation.
How do I know whether I am under ministry or counseling supervision?
At Unity Fort Worth, we clearly distinguish between counseling (professional counseling) and spiritual direction or pastoral care (ministry). Even though each approach may look similar, there is a distinctly different focus underlying the practice. When in doubt, we recommend asking for clarification.