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Baptism with Fire (Accepting the Holy Spirit with Love)

On his last Sunday message, perfectly aligned with Pentecost Holiday, Rev. Jean-Marie will dive into the crucial time and meaning of the Holy Spirit descending on the disciples. What does this mean for us? And what can we learn from it as we continue heal from any hurt, pain, or suffering?

Join us this Sunday as we celebrate Rev. Jean-Marie's tenure at UFW while listening to some inspiring music and recognizing our love for this community in fellowship.

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Sunday Service Guest User Sunday Service Guest User

Understanding Love (How to truly Love one another)

Many of us know and strive toward the number one commandment to Love one another. At the same time, just as many if not all often fail to follow the commandment consistently.

This Sunday, Rev. Jean-Marie, closing in on his last Sunday message at UFW on May 19, will explore more deeply how we can successfully fall in Love with ourselves and others while remaining authentic and humble, all of which is the lesson to learn toward healing.

Join us this Sunday for a lasting experience that touches the hearts and minds in perfect harmony, accompagniedd by our wonderful music team and followed by the fellowship of likeminded. We all deserve it.

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True Peace Unfold

Continuing on our healing journey over the next few weeks, Rev. Jean-Marie will expand on last week's talk about healing through Wholeness by establishing the ultimate goal of our healing journey: Peace. 

Join us this Sunday for an exploration and exercise in true Peace unfolding throughout our healing journey while masterfully touched by our music team and fellowship after service.

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Healing Through Wholeness

Conventional wisdom dictates that external factors must somehow initiate and sustain healing. In contrast, some believe that applying one's inner Strength and Understanding of perfect Health and Wholeness is at the core of every healing journey.

This Sunday, Rev. Jean-Marie will dive into the topic of healing from a Wholeness perspective to initiate a future void of limiting residues for a community to embrace what is to come rather than be bound by its inhibiting past.

Join us this Sunday for a revealing insight into the inner workings of Spirit in support of our healing journey, sprinkled with the heart-felt songs performed by our music team, and followed by some exciting fellowship.

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Saying Goodbye

Saying goodbye is not always easy, especially when confronted with the uncertainty of how to navigate the unknown. During such times, we may lack the vision of allowing the possibility to ascend ourselves into new ways of Existence.

There is wisdom in allowing the process of saying goodbye to be one of multiple occurrences over time so that the healing and forgiveness can adequately precede the openness and curiosity of a new and thriving future.

Join us this Sunday as we commence the celebration of transitioning from one to the next and even brighter era of our community, accompanied by our wonderful music team, and followed by engaging fellowship.

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