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Are you a joy-spotter? Do you notice and appreciate joy, no matter how small or ordinary they may seem? Join us this Sunday as we welcome Rev. Dr. Paul Hasselbeck and begin to learn how to do this amidst your everyday life.

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What If We Got It Wrong?

Questioning some unquestioned answers that can be found in many spiritual traditions! Beginning with a historical lens, we look at some pioneers in questioning unquestioned answers. Then we take an uncommon look at a few common beliefs. Might this be the time to let them go and upgrade or replace them? Naturally, the choice is always yours.

Join us as welcome Rev. Dr. Paul Hasselbeck, inspiring us with his metaphysical expertise, while we enjoy uplifting music and time spent together.

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Level Headed

Life is consciousness. Knowing and understanding the four levels of consciousness is a useful tool for navigating life and ultimately manifesting and showing up as your best self! Join us this Sunday as we welcome guest speaker Rev. Dr. Paul Hasselbeck and learn how to use the four levels of consciousness as a powerful tool for our spiritual, and enjoy inspiring music and wonderful time spent together in fellowship. 

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My Inner Critic

Meet my inner critic… maybe you have one too! This presentation is about identifying the inner critic and what to do about it. Self-awareness and self-compassion are key. What is self-compassion? How do we do it? Why is it important in your spiritual journey? 

Join us on Sunday for an inspiring message and music, and enjoy food & fellowship at our Second Sunday Potluck after service.

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It’s All About You

Hidden in plain sight, the revolutionary teachings of Myrtle and Charles Fillmore put forth a spiritual philosophy that is fundamentally different from many spiritual world views. Come away with a more profound understanding of Unity teachings which support radical self-responsibility and self-reliance, while enjoying uplifting music and friendly fellowship.

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Whose Will Is It Anyway?

Whose will is the driving force in life? God's? Yours? Both? What about divine purpose, guidance, and plan?

This Sunday, we welcome Rev. Paul Hasselbeck, widely regarded as one of the leading authorities on metaphysics, who will lead us through an exploration of these concepts based on the Power of Will.

Join us for an inspiring message, great music, and lots of fun.

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