Watch and Listen to Past Services
Moving into Wholeness: A Path to Restoring Health
Most, if not all, of us encounter health challenges from time to time. Though we may even intellectually know that health and wholeness is our natural state, we may not fully understand how to begin healing and restoring our health. Join us, along with Licensed Unity Teacher, Pamela Sybert, this Sunday as we explore what Unity co-founder Myrtle Fillmore and others used and taught about healing and integrated wholeness on all three levels: mind, body, and spirit.
Embracing Awe in Everyday Life
We often assume that we only experience awe from monumental events, such as the birth of a child, a total eclipse, or standing at the base of a giant Redwood tree that has been around for thousands of years. On the contrary, it is now believed by scientists, theologians, and others that we can create awe in our day-to-day “ordinary” lives. Join us this Sunday as we welcome guest speaker, Pamela Sybert, LUT, and explore the different types of awe and how it can transform us mentally, physically, and spiritually.
Resilience and the Power of Strength
We can create and influence many of the experiences in our lives but there are some outer circumstances that we cannot control. All of us face obstacles and situations that call for strength to be able to cope and endure.
This Sunday, we will talk about physical, mental, and most importantly, spiritual strength, and will look at some recommended strategies from experts and ordinary people on how to build resilience.
Join us for a powerful message, inspiring music from our Unity Singers, and beautiful time spent together in fellowship.
Unleashing our Spiritual Intuition and Wisdom
Most of us can identify with making some less-than-wise judgments in the past. We cannot undo the past though we could change our attitude about some experiences if we wish.
This Sunday, however, we will focus on elements of our decision-making capacity using our divinely inherited Power of Wisdom.
Join us as we explore ideas and practices to release our spiritual intuition and wisdom, and stay to enjoy food and fellowship at our monthly potluck and wonderful music at our Spring Concert.
BE the Thanksgiving You Desire
The start of the holiday season is upon us. Our lives tend to get a lot busier with holiday preparation and celebration. As wonderful as they can be, it can also be a time of overdoing. Join Licensed Unity Teacher Pamela Sybert this Sunday as we explore ways to decrease stress and find more peace by turning to our spiritual practices and embracing humor.
Be Excellent to Each Other
In the Christian bible, we learn that Jesus gave only two commandments: 1) Love God and 2) Love Your Neighbor as Yourself. Regarding loving our neighbor, it’s easy to be kind and hospitable to those who think and behave like us, isn’t it? Those are usually our good friends whom we have chosen, often because they believe as we do about many aspects of life. It is considerably harder to be fond of those who appear to be in total opposition to our values and desires.
Join us this Sunday as we look at Scripture and other sources for important guidance in expanding our concept of neighbor.