Watch and Listen to Past Services
Easter Sunday Service
Join us this Easter Sunday for a special service and egg hunt, including special performances from our Unity Singers. We will celebrate our Christ within as we learn to let our Divinity rise through our own thoughts, feelings, and actions. We will take communion together after learning its meaning through Unity's metaphysical lens, and you will receive your carnation with a personal affirmation.
Good Friday Service
This Good Friday, we are reflecting on Jesus Christ's last seven words. Learn about the deeper meaning of these words and how they apply in our daily lives today.
Join us for this special service at 7 PM CT, led by our platform chairs, readers, and Rev. Jean-Marie to prepare ourselves for Easter Sunday and the resurrection of our true Spirit.
Palm Sunday Service
Join us for Palm Sunday to celebrate Jesus Christ's triumphant entry into Jerusalem. Learn about the deeper meaning of this story and how it relates to Holy Week, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday.
Join us to receive your personal palm leaf to cherish for the year and engage with like-minded friends in fellowship after service.