Watch and Listen to Past Services
Finding JOY and Commonality with Our Neighbors (4th Advent: Joy)
Before we were Christians, we were Jews. Think about that for a moment. We share the Torah (the first five books of our Bible) with the Jewish community. We share building space with the Makom Shelanu Congregation co-founded by Cantor Sheri Allen. And this Sunday, Rev. Aliza and Cantor Sheri will share the pulpit in a joint exploration and dialogue of the similarities of our faiths, finding commonalities with our neighbors in this Christmas and Hanukkah season.
Can All Ever be Forgiven?
As the Jewish New Year approaches, Jews embark on a process known as "Teshuvah" or return. It involves seeking forgiveness for past mistakes, and forgiving others who ask the same of us. But are there some transgressions which can never be forgiven? Join us as we explore this important Jewish tradition with our guest speaker, Cantor Sheri Allen, while we also enjoy beautiful music and cheerful fellowship.
A Temporary State of Unbrokenness
Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, is fast approaching. But Jews don't ring in the new year with champagne and confetti. Rather it is a time of deep introspection and soul searching. Join us as guest speaker, Cantor Sheri Allen, shares her thoughts about what Teshuvah, returning to God, looks like, and enjoy beautiful music and friendly fellowship.
The Jewish New Year: Reflection, Repentance, Return.
The Jewish High Holy Days are a time of looking inward, assessing our behavior, and doing the work of Teshuvah: or making amends for mistakes we've made during the past year. Cantor Sheri Allen will focus on how the holidays of Rosh HaShanah (the Jewish New Year) and Yom Kippur (the day of Atonement) differ from our secular New Year's celebrations, and how the traditions and rituals surrounding these "Days of Awe" create meaningful memories, inspire internal growth and change, and help us to set new goals in the year to come.
Join us for an enriching message, beautiful music, and friendly fellowship.
The Jewish Passover Seder: Reliving the Exodus from Egypt
This Sunday, we welcome a special guest speaker, Cantor Sheri Allen of Congregation Beth Shalom in Arlington, TX.
Cantor Sheri will describe how the commandment to observe the holiday of Passover given in the Torah (5 Books of Moses) transformed into the Passover Seder that Jewish families have been observing for generations. Come take a deep dive into the Hagaddah, or special book that retells this story through the blessing and eating of special symbolic foods, the singing of prayers and songs, and the asking of many questions!
Join us for this unique opportunity to learn about this important Jewish tradition, deepening our own spiritual understanding in the process.