How Things Can (Finally) Go Our Way

Have you ever asked yourself why things do not always go the way we planned? Have you looked for reasons why and tended to find fault in yourself or others? What if it is no one's fault at all? Preceding our Sacred Water Ceremony, Rev. Jean-Marie will talk about some of the most misunderstood spiritual ideas that lead us to believe that we are anything but perfect, causing us to stand in our own way rather than going with the flow, giving us an opportunity to forgive and let go what no longer serves us on our spiritual path.

Join us for this special 5th Sunday service to participate in a brand-new ceremony. Enjoy some inspiring music and great fellowship after service. You deserve it.

Sermon Notes

Metaphysical Interpretation

forgiveness—a process of giving up the false for the true; erasing sin and error from the mind and body. It is closely related to repentance, which is a turning from belief in sin to belief in God and righteousness. A sin is forgiven when one ceases to sin, and true forgiveness is only established through renewing the mind and body with thoughts and words of Truth.

Forgiveness really means the giving up of something. When you forgive yourself, you cease doing the things that you should not do. Jesus said that man has power to forgive sin. Sin is the falling short of divine law, and repentance and forgiveness are the only means that man has of getting out of sin and its effect and coming into harmony with the law.

It is through forgiveness that true spiritual healing is accomplished. Forgiveness removes the errors of the mind, and bodily harmony results in consonance with divine law.


Be Excellent to Each Other


Taming the Spiritual Basket Case