Discovering the Divine Feminine

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This Sunday, we will begin our journey toward Mother's Day in preparation of celebrating the Divine Feminine in all of us. Whether woman, man, or any other gender identification, we all share the same ability to embrace our Divine Feminine in service to us all.

In another two-part series, Jean-Marie will explore with us the benefits we gain from learning to tap into the Divine Feminine in a balanced and uplifting way, while recognizing the Divine Powers that come along with them.

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Sermon Notes

Main Scripture

“What binds me has been slain, and what surrounds me has been destroyed, and my desire has been brought to an end, and ignorance has died…From this hour on, for the time of the due season of the age, I will receive rest in silence.” —The Gospel of Mary (16–17)

Important Women in Scripture


  • Deborah – the only female judge in the Hebrew Scriptures, whose wisdom and faith in God inspired the people. Thanks to her leadership, Israel enjoyed peace for 40 years.

  • Hannah – barren for many years giving birth to Samuel, last judge of Israel and council to the first kings Saul and David.

  • Mary of Bethany – sister of Lazarus and Martha, the reflective one of the family, listening to Jesus Christ’s teachings and supporting him with her talents and treasure.

  • Mary Magdalene – the unwavering disciple of Jesus Christ, the only beside John staying through his crucifixion, and the first whom Jesus appeared after his resurrection.


  • Shakti – the feminine source of power in the universe.

  • Radha – a friend and companion to Krishna, an expression of one is not complete without the other. Representing devotion to unite with the Divine.

  • Saraswati – the goddess of wisdom, music, and learning.

  • Lakshmi – goddess of wealth, abundance, and fertility. Besides material riches, she also represents joy, honor, and glory.

  • Kali – the destroyer of ignorance and liberator of the soul from samsara into moksha, enlightenment.


Mother's Day


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