Easter Sunday Service

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This Easter Sunday, we will conclude our exploration of the Holy Week, and how it applies to our daily lives. From the triumphant entry to the washing of the feet, from the breaking of bread to the crucifixion, it all supports our journey to resurrect our true Selves.

Join us and be inspired by your ability to be the Christ Light for yourself and others.

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Sermon Notes

Main Scripture

John 11:25–26

“I am the resurrection and the life. Those who believe in me, even though they die, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die.”

Metaphysical Interpretation

Revealing Word (Charles Fillmore)

ass – The animal part of the human consciousness is typified by the ass, and the purpose of Jesus' riding an ass into Jerusalem was to portray the mastery by the I AM of the animal nature and its manifestation (colt). 

palm trees – Metaphysically, realizations in the physical of unlimited resource of strength.heart, good and evil.

swaddling clothes – The helplessness of man's thoughts about the new life can also be said to be represented by the "swaddling clothes."

Jerusalem – “Habitation of peace." The spiritual center in consciousness. 

bread – Representative of universal substance. The substance of the omnipresent Christ body. Our daily bread is the sustenance for spirit, mind, and body.

wine – Symbolizes the vitality that forms the connecting link between soul and body. It represents an all-pervading, free essence that is generated from the nerve substance, or water of life. 

crucifixion – The crossing out in consciousness of errors that have become fixed states of mind; the surrender or death of the whole personality in order that the Christ Mind may be expressed in all its fullness.

resurrection – The restoring of mind and body to their original, undying state. This is accomplished by the realization that God is Spirit and that God created man with power like that which He Himself possesses. 

Denial & Affirmation for the Week

As I remember this Holy Week, I let go of any limitations I put onto myself. My willingness to forgive myself and others is strong and sincere. I am allowing that which no longer serves me to move on as I prepare myself to what is to come. I affirm my Christ Self to be resurrected today and every day as I have prepared myself and rested well. I am realizing the Wholeness extruding through my every fiber of Being, and I accept the gift I already am. I am that I am. And so it is. Amen.


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