When the Heart Points to Spirit

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This Sunday, we'll conclude our discussion on the four subtle bodies with heart and Spirit. Both are often confused with each other while there is a unique opportunity to celebrate the difference.

Join us this Sunday to learn more about balancing the mind, body, heart, and Spirit for a more meaningful and satisfying spiritual Life.

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Sermon Notes

Denial & Affirmation for the Week

Today, I find my heart and mind in perfect harmony as I release any power I give to what stands in the way of my perfect expression of the Divine. Regardless of my convictions and beliefs, I affirm the Beauty and Perfection of Being I already am. I allow myself to be free from judgment, worries, and regrets to clearly see my path from Spirit through my heart, mind, body and soul. I am a disciple of Love. And so it is. Amen.

Main Scripture

Bhagavad-Gita 4:21

Expecting nothing, his heart and mind disciplined, having relinquished all possessions, performing actions by the body alone, he incurs no sin.

Supporting Scripture

Bhagavad-Gita 5:25

The seers, whose sins are destroyed, whose doubts are dispelled, who are self-controlled and take delight in doing good to all creatures, attain eternal freedom in divine consciousness. 

Metaphysical Interpretations

Revealing Word (Charles Fillmore)

heart – The heart is love, the affectional consciousness in man. It is the faculty through which man receives love from Being. The heart, however, is but the visible expression of an invisible center of consciousness. It is the center from which the divine substance is poured forth. Everyone uses his heart center when he sends forth a loving thought.

heart, good and evil – The heart of the unregenerate man is both good and evil, but the evil is without foundation in Being, and has no sustaining power outside man's belief in its reality. When the heart is purged of all thoughts adverse to good, man consciously contacts the underlying God substance.

Spirit – God as the moving force in the universe; Principle as the breath of life in all creation; the principle of life; creative intelligence and life.


Palm Sunday Service


When the Heart Points to Spirit